25 oktober 2009

Han en pim

Oh wat gezellig

Gijs is here

Alela Diana

Well I did not know of this beautiful voice but my brother wanted some music for his bithday and I got enchanted too. Alela Diana is her name. Here's a video

23 oktober 2009

17 oktober 2009

Bakerman Clip

Al gemaakt in 1989, ik zie het vandaag voor het eerst. Deze clip moet je echt even van genieten

4 oktober 2009

Vali Myers

Vali Myers, a great artist. Wandering through differnet countries, captured in the 1950's on photo, living in Paris, Positano. Click here for more info

She has liven a live I never could or would (or maybe I'm too afraid of). My interest in her is inspired bij Ed van der Elskens movie. I recently have obtained the DVD with Ed's movies. Check out the video